3 Ways That Promotional Giveaways Makes Your Brand Stick

Customised gifts have been a tried-and-true marketing tactic for decades. But in today’s fast-paced and constantly evolving business landscape, do they still hold up? The answer is a resounding yes.

In fact, promotional giveaways can be more effective than ever in making your brand stick in the minds of consumers. By offering customised products such as clothing, bags, or keyrings, you can create a tangible connection with your customers. As a result, this connection can enhance brand recognition and visibility, ultimately driving sales and increasing customer loyalty.

Let’s explore the top three ways that promotional gifts can help you create a strong brand identity and leave a lasting impression on your target audience.

Promotional giveaways increase brand recall

One of the primary benefits of custom-printed gifts is that they increase brand recall. When someone receives a promotional item, they are more likely to remember the brand and become familiar with the company’s products or services. According to a study by the Promotional Products Association International (PPAI), 89% of people who received a promotional item in the past six months could recall the name of the company that gave it to them. This highlights the effectiveness of customised gifts in increasing brand recall.

For example, let’s say you’re attending a trade show and you’re giving away custom tote bags. Each time someone uses that bag, they’re essentially carrying around a walking billboard for your brand. And if they use it at another event or out in public, even more people will see it and become aware of your company. This can help you reach a wider audience and increase the likelihood of generating leads.

Promotional giveaways create a positive brand image

Promotional giveaways can also help create a positive brand image. When a company gives away a promotional item, it shows that they value its customers and are willing to invest in them. This can create a sense of loyalty among customers and help to foster positive relationships between the company and its customers.

According to a survey by the Advertising Specialty Institute (ASI), 42% of people have a more favourable impression of a company after receiving a promotional item from them. This highlights the power of branded logoed gifts in creating a positive brand image.

For example, let’s say that a company decides to give away printed clothing, such as t-shirts at a trade show or conference. These t-shirts are not only practical items that attendees can use, but they also feature the company’s logo and branding. By giving away these customised t-shirts, the company is creating a positive brand image by increasing brand visibility, demonstrating a commitment to quality, and creating a sense of community.

Promotional giveaways increase customer engagement

Finally, promotional gifts can help increase customer engagement. When a customer receives a promotional item, they are more likely to engage with the company and its products or services. This can lead to increased sales and customer loyalty.

According to a study by the PPAI, 83% of people who received a promotional item said they are more likely to do business with the company that gave it to them. This highlights the importance of promotional items in increasing customer engagement.

For example, let’s say that a company decides to give away personalised keyrings to its customers. These keyrings feature the customer’s name and a unique design related to the company’s brand. By giving away these personalised keyrings, the company is increasing customer engagement.

Promotional giveaways in New Zealand

Whether you’re giving away branded tote bags, personalised pens, or eco-friendly water bottles, custom-printed gifts can help make your brand stick. So why not invest in this highly effective marketing strategy and see the results for yourself? Start exploring the wide range of promotional products available on our website to find the perfect item to represent your brand.